The International Dentist Podcast
The International Dentist Podcast
S3 E32: Ms. Ricarda Wichert & Dr. Denisse Rodriguez
Dr. Denisse Rodriguez
Healthtech Marketing Enthusiast / Aesthetic Dentist
"There has been one thing I have always been attracted and passionate about: beautiful smiles (whether is coming from my own practice or from someone’s soul). Collaborating with practices and companies around the US, Latin America (Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and of course Venezuela), Europe has since 2020 (pre-pandemic) been my base and currently working with marketing and digital dentistry, tapping and regulating the innovation of processes .
In my twenties, after graduating as a dentist at the University of the Andes, I had to go to my father’s land in New York and prove my skills there.
In my thirties, I created a Digital Marketing Dentistry Agency exclusively for Dentists but traded it for the discovery of Digital Dentistry and the scope and reach that it can have."
Ricarda Wichert
Head of Clinical Quality & Education @Dr.Smile
Episode resources and links:
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/deniserebeca/
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/ricarda-wichert-21159b103/
- https://www.instagram.com/drsmile.de/
More Information about this and many other podcast at:
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/drgabrielalagreca
FB & IG @theinternationaldentist
TID Bootcamp https://reg.learningstream.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0057-0020-c62b42e1b2384f20a3e526b3da8e7253