The International Dentist Podcast
Dr. Gabriela Lagreca from The International Dentist brings stories from fellow dentists who left their homelands to develop their professional careers in the US. You will hear their journey to success, but also the failures that led them there. Every week, I will bring you helpful, honest, and real advice from educators, leaders, private practitioners, and business owners who will share their experiences and learnings to empower and motivate your dental journey.
32 episodes
S3 E32: Ms. Ricarda Wichert & Dr. Denisse Rodriguez
Dr. Denisse Rodriguez Healthtech Marketing Enthusiast / Aesthetic Dentist"There has been one thing I have always been attracted and passionate about: beautiful smiles (whether is coming from my own practice or from some...
Season 3
Episode 32

S3 E31 Dr. Leo Marquez
Dr. Leonardo Marquez graduated as a Dentist from University of Guadalajara, Mexico in 2015. After years of sacrifice and effort, he was accepted at the University of Michigan ITDP (Internationally Trained Dentist Program), where he is currently...
Season 3
Episode 31

S3 E30 Dr. Martha Forero
Dr. Martha L. Forero is an Assistant Professor at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine (TUSDM) in the Department of Public Health and Community Service and Department of Pediatric Dentistry. She is the Director of the Josiah Quincy school...
Season 3
Episode 30

S3 E28 Dr. Leonardo Koerich
Hi folks! My name is Dr. Leonardo “Leo” KoerichI grew up in the southern part of Brazil, in a city called Florianópolis with a large, very close family all living pretty close by.I would never have thought that I would be the one ...
Season 3
Episode 29

S3 E28 Dr. Andreina Bracho
Andreina Bracho, D.D.S. Pediatric DentistDr. Andreina Bracho received her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Universidad Central de Venezuela in 2009. She worked as a general dentist for a few years before pursuing her ...
Season 3
Episode 28

S3 E27 ADEA Emily Rhineberger
Emily Rhineberger is the Senior Director of Application Services at the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) where she leads the application services team. ADEA’s four application services include ADEA CAAPID, the application for...
Season 3
Episode 27

S3 E26 Dr. Mario Romero
Mario F. Romero is the Director of Romero Dental Seminars. He received his DDS degree from the University of Guayaquil (Ecuador) School of Dentistry in 1995. He then completed a two year Advanced Education in General Dentistry P...
Season 3
Episode 26

S2 E25 PDS International Student Program
Promethean Dental SystemsFor more information about PDS International Student Program, visit: https://www.prometheandentalsystems.com/internationa...
Season 2
Episode 25

S2 E24 Dr. Daniel Oreadi
Dr. Daniel Oreadi DMD, OMFSDr. Oreadi earned his dental degree at the Universidad Central of Venezuela and completed the Advanced Graduate Education in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery program at Tufts University School of Dental M...
Season 2
Episode 24

S2 E23 Dr. Rodrigo Cunha
Dr. Rodrigo Sanches Cunha Dr. Cunha completed his Undergraduate Dental Degree in 1994, which he obtained from the Catholic University of Campinas in Sao Paulo - Brazil. His postgraduate studies include a Specialty degree in...
Season 2
Episode 23

S2 E22 Dr. Sergio Sanchez
Sergio E. Sanchez, DDSAssistant Professor, AEGD Program Director, Craniofacial Sciences, University of Connecticut, School of Dental MedicineDr. Sergio Sanchez was born and raised in Peru. He received his De...
Season 2
Episode 22

S2 E21 Dr. Alex & Stefania Grous
Dr. Alexandros Grous graduate from the School of Dentistry, University of Athens (1980).He completed a certificate, Post Graduate Prosthodontics Specialty Program at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Boston (1981-1983).&...
Season 2
Episode 21

S2 E20 Dr. Jose Rivero
Dr. Jose Rivero is a Board Certified Dentist Anesthesiologist, he was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, where he earned his Doctorate in Dental Surgery and practiced for several years while preparing to apply to postgraduate training progr...
Season 2
Episode 20

S2 E19 Dr. Norah Alajaji
Dr Norah Alajaji BDS, MSc.Dr. Norah Alajaji acquired her Bachelor’s Degree in Dental Surgery from King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2007. She pursued higher education at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, Bosto...
Season 2
Episode 19

S2 E18 Dr. Tarek Hafez
Dr. Hafez is a specialist in multiple fields with advanced experience andclinical skills in Aesthetics, Prosthodontics, and Implant dentistry. He earnedhis Bachelor of Dental Science from Misr International University (Cairo, Egypt), 20...
Season 2
Episode 18

S2 E17 Dr. Avni Jain
Dr. Avni Jain, MDS. Prosthodontist and Implantologist."I pursued my master’s from India. In the middle of 2019, I moved to London with my husband and started preparing for UK licensing exam. Soon after that, the pandemic struck, and duri...
Season 2
Episode 17

S2 E16 Pears of wisdom on Continuing Education: Ms. Elizabeth Tallett & Dr. Irina Dragan
Today's episode is a conversation about continuing education opportunities for distance learning, with Elizabeth Tallett, Director of Continuing Education, Marketing and Communications, Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, and Dr. Irina ...
Season 2
Episode 16

S2 E15 Dr. Jessica Metcalfe
Dr. Jessica is an international speaker, an impostor phenomenon coach, and a dentist to oncology patients. She works with professionals to help dismantle the impostor phenomenon, perfectionism, and burnout. Dr. Jessica brings a unique p...
Season 2
Episode 15

S2 E14 Dr. Paresh Shah
Dr. Paresh Shah maintains a private practice in Winnipeg, Canada with a focus on implants, aesthetics and interdisciplinary care. He also serves as a founder and co-director for a Seattle Study Club in Winnipeg. Dr. Shah holds a Mas...
Season 2
Episode 14

S2 E13 Dr. Mahsa Khaghani
Dr. Mahsa Khaghani obtained her degree in Dentistry from the U.C.M. (1999). She is the CEO at BeIDE https://bedentalexpert.comInvisalign specialist. Doctor Diamond.Specialist in Implantolog...
Season 2
Episode 13

S1 E12 Dr. Laura Herschdorfer
Dr. Herschdorfer completed her Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) from the Universidad Central de Venezuela before completing a two-year Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency at the University of Connecticut. Immediately fo...
Season 1
Episode 12

S1 E11 Dr. Andre De Souza
Dr. André Barbisan De Souza obtained his DDS at the State University of Maringá, Brazil, in 2011. He also obtained his training in Periodontology and the Master’s Degree, both at the same university. He was an ITI Scholar at Harvard Scho...
Season 1
Episode 11

S1 E10 Dr. Sam Khayat
Dr. Sam Khayat graduated from dental school in 2001. He then pursued his specialty at Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine and earned his Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies in Prosthodontics in 2004.In 2007, h...
Season 1
Episode 10

S1 E09 Dr. Celin Arce
Dr. Celin Arce, DDS, MS, FACP Dr. Celin Arce is a board-certified prosthodontist. He received his dental degree from the University Latina of Costa Rica, he completed a residency in Advanced Prosthodontics at the University of Alaba...
Season 1
Episode 9

S1 E08 Dr. Panos Papaspyridakos
Dr. Panos Papaspyridakos is a specialist Prosthodontist and his clinical expertise covers all aspects of Implant, Esthetic, and Reconstructive Dentistry. He received both his Certificate of Specialty in Prosthodontics and an M.S. degree with ho...
Season 1
Episode 8